OpenGL Advanced Functionality

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GLAF 1.1
  • Four new features (Multitexture, Texture Env Dot3, Texture Env Combine, and Texture Env Add).
  • The (optional) verbose output from contexts initialization has been slightly enhanced.
  • Updated documentation for the new features.
  • New 'Multithreading' page in the website, in order to provide information for developers who write applications that use a different thread for each OpenGL context.
  • Added a simpler contexts' management approach to the 'Basic Use' page, for situations where procedure addresses don't change across contexts, very useful for achieving straightforward thread-safety.
  • Minor changes in the website.
  • Some things not done yet:   No new demos, no WGL/GLX features. These are left for a future release.

GLAF 1.0

  • First release.

News   What is?   Pros and Cons  Motivation   History   Features  Basic Use   Multithreading  Platforms Take Care!  To Do   Download

Copyright (C) 2001-2005 César Blecua Udías